Saturday 29 August 2009

Up Close: The Daily Star Calendar 2010

I can name ten of them (January - Natasha Marley, February - Lindsey Strutt, March - Zuzana Drabinova, April - Sammy Braddy, May - Lucy Pinder, June - Malene Espensen, July - Sammie Pennington, August - Eva Wyrwal, September - Sophie Howard and November - Kitty Lea). I'm struggling to name who the models are for October or December (all five featured in that photo that is).

I said earlier on in the month that the Daily Star uses too much Photoshop...what have they done to Sammie Pennington, Sophie Howard and Kitty Lea!? :(


  1. I know what you mean about too much photoshopping. A couple of pictures on their website have that funny line around them as though the models have been cut and pasted into a colourful background.
